Home Telangana JD Laxmi Narayana urges youth to adopt Barrelakka as their role model...

JD Laxmi Narayana urges youth to adopt Barrelakka as their role model and enter politics

JD Laxmi Narayana urges youth to adopt Barrelakka as their role model and enter politics

Former CBI Director JD Laxmi Narayana believes that it is important for young people to get involved in politics. He encourages them to bring about change in the traditional political systems of parties. Instead of joining a political party and compromising their own interests, he urges young people to contest elections independently and focus on resolving the issues of their local region.

Narayana gives the example of Barrelakka, a courageous and determined 25-year-old. He supports her campaign in Bollam village of Kollapur assembly constituency. According to Narayana, political parties are taking advantage of the problems faced by local people. The current leadership is not addressing these issues effectively. Therefore, he advocates for the abolishment of the party system. He encourages young people to join politics as independent candidates and work with like-minded individuals to run the government and address the problems faced by the people in their own region.



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