Former CBI Director JD Lakshminarayana showed his support for independent candidate Karne Shireesha, also known as Barrelakka, in the Kollapur constituency. He actively participated in her election campaign in Bollaram and Chinnambavi Mandal. During his speech, Lakshminarayana emphasized the importance of youth engagement in politics and the need for job opportunities for the unemployed. He praised Shireesha for her journey as a student pursuing her degree and gaining prominence through YouTube videos. He also mentioned the financial support she received from Krishna Rao, a five-time MLA winner from Andhra Pradesh. Lakshminarayana encouraged the youth to enter politics, stating that Barrelakka had shown that elections don’t have to be expensive and that true determination is more important than money. He urged voters to cast their ballots in favor of Shireesha’s symbol, the whistle.