In Tirupati, Kiran Royal of the Jana Sena Party has asked for an apology from Pothina Venkata Mahesh, who is in charge of the party’s Vijayawada west Assembly Constituency, to party leader Pawan Kalyan. Pothina recently joined the YSRCP in a public event with YS Jagan Mohan Reddy in Palnadu.
Kiran Royal expressed his disappointment in not being nominated for the Tirupati seat, which was given to a former YSRCP leader instead. Despite this, he remained silent and did not react negatively like Pothina did. Kiran mentioned that Pothina was mentored by Pawan Kalyan and should not be disrespectful towards him.
Kiran Royal criticized Pothina for switching parties, especially after previously claiming he would never leave JSP. He jokingly mentioned that JSP workers might send him a coconut-cutting knife as a gift for his actions.
Overall, Kiran Royal is upset with Pothina’s behavior and believes that he should show more respect towards party leadership.