Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy has requested officials to conduct an audit on the completed houses in Jagananna colonies. The purpose of the audit is to assess the status of basic infrastructure such as power supply, drinking water, and soak-pits.
During a review meeting on the Housing department, YS Jagan urged officials to speed up the construction of houses and regularly monitor the status of basic infrastructure in Jagananna colonies. He emphasized the need for immediate solutions to identified problems.
Officials informed the Chief Minister that over 7.43 lakh houses in Jagananna colonies were handed over to beneficiaries in October. Construction works for five lakh houses are currently underway and are expected to be completed by February 2024. They also mentioned that basic facilities such as water and power supply have been provided in all colonies where houses were handed over, and measures have been taken to install magic soak-pits.
YS Jagan instructed officials to focus on managing TIDCO housing complexes and educate beneficiaries’ associations on how to efficiently maintain them. He stressed the importance of preserving the quality of the handed-over properties and maintaining a clean environment.
According to officials, a loan of Rs 35,000 each was provided to 12,72,143 beneficiaries, totaling Rs. 4,483 crore, with an interest rate of 25 paise for house construction. In return, YS Jagan requested the beneficiaries to pay the remaining interest on the loans.
The meeting was attended by Housing Minister Jogi Ramesh, APSHCL chairman D Dorababu, Chief Secretary Dr KS Jawahar Reddy, and other senior officials.