YS Jagan Mohan Reddy, the Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh and President of the YSR Congress Party, spoke at an election campaign rally in Kurnool, reaffirming his support for minority communities and their rights. He emphasized the party’s commitment to empowering marginalized groups and ensuring their dignity and self-reliance. Jagan stated that the YSR Congress Party will always stand up for the dignity and honor of minorities on issues like Muslim reservation, NRC, and CAA.
He highlighted the party’s achievements in providing 4% reservation for Muslim candidates, securing seven seats in the last Assembly elections. Jagan criticized Chandrababu Naidu for aligning with the NDA, which proposed removing the 4% Muslim reservation. He emphasized that the reservation is not based on religion but aims to uplift backward classes within the Muslim community.
Jagan outlined welfare measures for minorities, including Direct Benefit Transfers, housing schemes, and language recognition. He described the upcoming elections as crucial for the future of ongoing schemes and development. Jagan accused Naidu of hindering welfare programs by aligning with the NDA and contrasted his administration’s approach of delivering welfare without discrimination.
The Chief Minister reiterated his commitment to empowering marginalized communities like Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Backward Classes, and minorities. He emphasized the importance of upholding their dignity and fostering self-reliance among these communities.