Energy Minister Jagadish Reddy spoke to the media in Suryapet on Tuesday, urging the people of Andhra Pradesh to stand up against the rulers who are responsible for the state’s backwardness. He encouraged them to elect the leadership of KCR, who he believes can bring development to the region.
Minister Reddy also addressed the Rayala Telangana issue, stating that it only came about due to the failures of the AP government. He claimed that a separate Rayalaseema and Rayala Telangana are not possible now.
According to Minister Reddy, demands for Rayala Telangana stem from the lack of sincerity of the respective state rulers. He suggested that the people of Andhra Pradesh should change their rulers to achieve Suvarna Andhra, a prosperous Andhra Pradesh.
Minister Reddy emphasized that a golden Andhra Pradesh can only be achieved under the leadership of CM KCR. He stated that Telangana has become a golden state under KCR’s leadership, and Suvarna Andhra is also possible.
Minister Reddy claimed that people in the surrounding states of Telangana are demanding to merge with Telangana, which is proof of development in the state. He urged the people of Andhra Pradesh to leave the issue of Telangana behind and focus on electing KCR’s leadership for development.