Former Minister and Suryapet MLA Guntakandla Jagadish Reddy celebrated Sankranti by participating in Bhogi celebrations in Suryapet town. He performed traditional pujas to highlight the festival’s connection to agriculture and community gathering. The crowd enjoyed watching the Decorative oxen, known as Gangireddulu, perform stunts. During his speech, Reddy emphasized that Sankranti represents the harvest season and a time to eliminate negativity from society. He wished for an end to hardships and malevolent thoughts while expressing gratitude to diligent farmers who provide sustenance for all. Reddy extended Sankranti greetings to the people of Suryapet constituency and Erstwhile Nalgonda district, urging robust support from the state government to ensure farmers receive the highest yields. He expressed optimism that this auspicious occasion would bring abundance and well-being to the entire community.