Energy Minister Guntakandla Jagadish Reddy recently accused the BJP of trying to create divisions among the people for political gain. He made these remarks while inaugurating the ‘Our Products- Our Honor Sales Centre’ at the Bhuvanagiri Collectorate premises.
Jagadish stated that the BJP has a habit of spreading communal hatred and wasting time. He also mocked the fact that the country seems to be run by one or two investors instead of Prime Minister Modi and Home Minister Amit Shah. According to him, Modi is destroying the country for the benefit of these investors.
However, Jagadish believes that the BJP’s tactics will not work in Telangana. He claims that the people of Telangana do not support the BJP and called them a “liar” party. He added that the BJP has set the country back 30 years and that 35 percent of people in the country are suffering from hunger. Jagadish believes that the upcoming elections will result in the BJP losing even their three MLA seats in the state.
Jagadish reminded the BJP that the people of Telangana stand behind Chief Minister KCR. The inauguration event was attended by Collector Pamela Satpathy, Government Whip Sunitha, MLA Gadhari Kishore Kumar, MLA P. Shekhar Reddy, District Library Chairman Jadala Amarender Goud, and District Rythu Bandhu Samiti president Kolupula Amarender Goud.