Former minister G Jagadish Reddy held a press conference in Hyderabad, where he accused the BJP of conspiring to help the Congress win the Assembly elections. During a preparatory meeting in the Bhongir Lok Sabha constituency, some activists claimed that people are now regretting their decision to vote for the Congress. Reddy criticized the Congress for its incompetence and alleged that they are trying to introduce a system of middlemen in implementing welfare schemes. He also mentioned that there is a lack of clarity on the implementation of applications under the ‘Praja Palana’ program. Reddy stated that party chief K Chandrashekar Rao is in contact with party leaders in districts and they will work towards achieving good results in the upcoming Lok Sabha elections.
Reddy further accused Congress leaders of influencing the police to file false cases against members of the pink party and violating protocols. He assured that his party will support their activists. MP B Lingaiah Yadav added that while BRS MPs have been raising their concerns regarding promises made in the AP Reorganisation Act, Congress and BJP MPs have not shown any interest in addressing these issues.