Hyderabad: Income Tax (IT) officials have carried out major raids at the home of well-known Telugu film producer Dil Raju. The ongoing operation is part of an investigation into the financial activities of his production company, SVC.
To assist with the investigation, IT officials have brought in banking lawyers to review complex financial documents. Apart from Dil Raju’s residence, the officials also searched the home of his brother, Vijay Simha Reddy, who is involved in the automobile industry.
The investigation is primarily looking into the financial transactions between Dil Raju and Vijay Simha Reddy. Authorities have reportedly seized several important documents from Dil Raju’s house, which could provide more details about their financial dealings.
This high-profile raid has attracted widespread attention due to Dil Raju’s fame in the Telugu film industry. Further updates on the findings and their potential consequences are awaited.