On Monday, Municipal Administration and IT Minister K Taraka Rama Rao inaugurated the Ramagundam police commissionerate building in Peddapalli. The building was built in G Plus-2 style with advanced features. During the inauguration, KTR stated that Telangana’s governance is ideal for the country when it comes to public development and welfare. The policies of Telangana are being replicated across the country. The state police work for internal security and maintain law and order so that people can lead a peaceful life. KTR appreciated the police for their sincerity and hard work.
The government has supported the family of a police martyr constable named Krishnaiah in every way possible. Krishnaiah’s daughter Priyanka was provided with an MBBS education, and she is currently working as a doctor at Karimnagar Basti Dawakhana.
During the State movement, there were many doubts and misconceptions regarding the establishment of Telangana. However, Telangana has become an ideal for the country in all fields, disproving any misconceptions about its formation. KTR said that in the past, people used to say “what Bengal does today, India will do tomorrow.” Now, the situation is “what Telangana does today, India will do tomorrow.” The country has followed the programs implemented by Telangana.