IT, MA&UD Minister K T Rama Rao has urged non-resident Indians (NRIs) to establish their IT companies in Telugu-speaking States – Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He made this appeal while inaugurating the Quadrant Technologies global development centre at the Madikonda IT SEZ in Warangal. KTR emphasized the need for NRIs to set up their units in tier II cities like Warangal, Bheemaravam, and Nellore to contribute to the economic development of the region. He also expressed his willingness to speak to Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Y S Jagan Mohan Reddy for land allocation. KTR highlighted that 40% of IT employees in Bengaluru are from Telangana and Andhra Pradesh, and they would return to their respective states if NRIs establish their units there. He also predicted a significant improvement in logistics in the next decade, with travel time between Hyderabad and Warangal reducing to just 30 minutes due to high-speed trains. Additionally, KTR mentioned that once the Mamnoor Airport becomes operational, there would be little difference between Hyderabad and Warangal, making it advantageous for IT companies to set up their units in Warangal. The inauguration event was attended by various ministers and officials.