The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) successfully launched its PSLV rocket carrying seven Singaporean satellites from Sriharikota on Sunday. The primary satellite separated 23 minutes after lift-off, followed by six other co-passenger satellites. The co-passenger satellites include VELOX-AM, ARCADE, SCOOB-II, NULloN by NuSpace, Galassia-2, and ORB-12 STRIDER. ISRO chief S Somanath congratulated citizens on the successful mission.
ISRO’s commercial arm, NuSpace India Limited, undertook today’s mission. The primary payload is the DS-SAR Radar Imaging Earth Observation satellite, developed under a partnership between the Government of Singapore and ST Engineering. DS-SAR carries a Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) payload developed by Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI).
This is the 58th flight of PSLV and the 17th vehicle with Core Alone Configuration. PSLV is known as the ‘Workhorse of ISRO’ for consistently delivering satellites into low earth orbits. This mission follows the Chandrayaan-3 launch on July 14.