Group-2 exams will be held on August 29 and 30 by the Telangana State Public Service Commission. There is doubt about whether the exams will be held before the elections. The possibility of holding group-3 exams is also uncertain. The main problem in holding these examinations earlier was that some people would file lawsuits and spread misinformation on social media. They would create anxiety among those preparing for the exams. The unemployed are being told that if the tests are not held before the election notification, they will be cancelled. However, the government has stated that the exams will go ahead as planned. Observers believe that vested interests are trying to harm the prospects of the students and bring a bad name to the state government. The opposition is spreading misinformation to create unrest among the youth for political purposes. They were successful in temporarily postponing Group-1 exams, but the government conducted them transparently. Now they are trying to cancel the Group-2 exams.