A few days before the Lok Sabha polling, the Congress party in Khammam is still deciding on a candidate for the Lok Sabha seat. Among the potential candidates, the name of senior leader Rayala Nageswara Rao has surfaced on social media platforms in the district. Rayala was previously interested in the Palair assembly constituency but withdrew his efforts after joining Congress at the behest of the party high command.
Despite losing in the MLC (local bodies) elections to Tata Madhusudhan, Rayala was appointed as the Chairman of the State Ware Housing Corporation by the government. As a Kamma leader, he is hopeful of securing the MP ticket to participate in the direct elections. Rayala has requested the party high command to consider his candidacy for MP this time around.
There are indications that the high command may not choose candidates who are relatives of ministers or the Deputy CM in Khammam, which raises Rayala’s chances. He has strong connections with leaders like Bhatti, Ponguleti, Tummala, and Rajya Sabha Member Renuka Chowdary.