The BRS party in Hyderabad is planning to replace their candidate in Nalgonda Lok Sabha constituency. K Krishna Reddy will be replaced by former MLC T Chinnappa Reddy. The decision was made after feedback from party activists indicated that the current candidate was not performing well in the campaign and was not expected to do well in the election.
Party leaders in the district requested a change in candidate to improve their chances in the constituency. In other news, the party announced coordinators for the Nizamabad Lok Sabha constituency on Tuesday. Senior leader L Ramana will be in charge of Korutla, Kalvakuntla Vidyasagar Rao for Armoor, Prabhakar Reddy and Aleem for Nizamabad Urban, LMB Rajeshwar for Balkonda, V Gangadhar Goud for Nizamabad Rural, D Vithal Rao for Bodhan, and DavaVasantha and LokaBapu Reddy for Jagtial.