Home Hyderabad Is Congress narrowing down options for new PCC chief?

Is Congress narrowing down options for new PCC chief?

Is Congress narrowing down options for new PCC chief?

The Congress party in Hyderabad is deciding on a new PCC chief as the current president’s term ends. Sources say a leader who recently visited New Delhi and met with the High Command, including Sonia Gandhi, has been selected. Two BC leaders, B Mahesh Kumar and Madhu Yashki, along with former Alampur MLA S A Sampath Kumar, are in the running.

Madhu Yashki has support from AICC leadership due to his past roles as an MP, while PCC working president Mahesh has backing from Revanth Reddy, Mallu Bhatti Vikramarka, and N Uttam Kumar Reddy. Since BCs don’t hold key positions, one of them is likely to be chosen. Sampath Kumar may become the PCC working president.

The decision comes after much deliberation by Congress party leaders in Hyderabad. The new PCC chief will take over from CM A Revanth Reddy. Candidates like Madhu Yashki, Mahesh Kumar, and Sampath Kumar have been considered for the role.

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