The president of Telangana Pradesh Congress Committee, A Revanth Reddy, accused State Municipal Administration and Urban Development Minister KT Rama Rao of pressuring officials to exempt the IRB company from paying an advance payment of 10% of the tender amount, worth Rs 7,388 crore. Reddy demanded the tenders be cancelled immediately and alleged that the ORR was handed over to IRB Development Company of Mumbai under the supervision of Chief Minister K Chandrashekar Rao and KTR. Reddy also demanded that the State government disclose details of the sale of 49% of IRB’s stakes to a Singapore company. He warned HMDA and HGCL offices will be raided if information related to the tender process is not provided under the Right to Information Act. Reddy said he will file a complaint against KTR and the Congress party will check for fraud in the ORR tender through legal measures.