A police officer named MG Rajesh was brutally attacked by three people, including a woman, in Raghubir Nagar, West Delhi. The attack happened as Rajesh was heading home after finishing his duty. The alleged attackers, Krishna Singh and Yuvraj Singh, along with a woman believed to be their mother, collided with Rajesh’s car and then assaulted him with an iron rod and a brick. Rajesh suffered severe injuries and lost consciousness at the scene. Krishna and Yuvraj were promptly arrested, and an investigation is ongoing regarding the involvement of the woman.
Rajesh is currently receiving medical treatment for his injuries, and further investigations are underway. In another incident of road rage in Delhi’s Bhajanpura locality, two individuals brandished a firearm after their motorcycle collided with a parked car. Surveillance footage captured the altercation between the car owner and the two men. The situation escalated when the men produced a firearm and aimed it at the car owner, but his mother intervened and brought him back inside their house.