The controversy surrounding toll collection on the Hyderabad Outer Ring Road has caught the attention of Chief Minister Revanth Reddy. He was alarmed by the irregularities in the tender process that could potentially lead to a loss in government revenue. As a result, he ordered an investigation into the matter, focusing on how tenders were awarded without establishing a minimum bid amount.
During a review meeting at the Secretariat, Chief Minister Revanth Reddy questioned HMDA officials about their involvement in the tender process and criticized the lack of transparency. He emphasized the need to thoroughly examine all aspects of the process, including the organizations involved and the responsibilities of individuals.
The responsibility of disclosing irregularities in the tenders, as well as the procedures followed and file transfers, has been assigned to HMDA Joint Commissioner Amrapali. The Chief Minister stated that once HMDA’s final report is received, the Cabinet will decide whether to refer the investigation to the CBI or a similar agency. Additionally, he instructed authorities to pursue criminal charges if any documents related to the issue are found missing.