Hyderabad: In a stunning event, a Deputy Tehsildar in Hyderabad got into the house of a women IAS policeman in the city’s Jubilee Hills community at twelve o’clock at night 2 days earlier, according to records. The event emerged lately. The IAS policeman, that resides in a gated area, is energetic on social networks. The replacement tehsildar had actually retweeted her tweets two times.
On the evening of the event, the replacement tehsildar as well as a buddy, a resort proprietor, reached eviction area in an automobile. They informed security that they existed to see the IAS policeman’s house as well as were admitted. The replacement tehsildar left his close friend in the vehicle as well as mosted likely to the policeman’s residence, where he knocked on the door. When the policeman unlocked, she was surprised to see an unidentified individual.
The Deputy Tehsildar apparently claimed that he had actually formerly tweeted the policeman as well as had actually concerned speak about his task. The policeman quickly informed security employees, that captured the Deputy Tehsildar as well as handed him over to the police. The police likewise seized the vehicle as well as apprehended the close friend.
The IAS policeman Smita Sabharwal tweeted regarding the event, stating, “Had this most harrowing experience, a night back when an intruder broke into my house. I had the presence of mind to deal and save my life. Lessons: no matter how secure you think you are- always check the doors/locks personally. #Dial100 in emergency.”