Home Hyderabad Innovative Measures Taken to Increase Voter Turnout in Hyderabad District

Innovative Measures Taken to Increase Voter Turnout in Hyderabad District

Innovative Measures Taken to Increase Voter Turnout in Hyderabad District

To increase the voting percentage in Hyderabad district for the upcoming polls, election authorities are taking innovative measures. In 2018, the average voter turnout in Hyderabad was less than 50%.

In areas with low participation rates during previous elections, authorities implemented a comprehensive outreach program. This included door-to-door campaigning, distributing pamphlets and stickers, and pasting posters on houses. Now, they plan to distribute over one lakh pamphlets and stickers in each constituency.

Many eligible voters lack awareness about the importance of voting and the electoral process, especially in regions with high illiteracy rates. To address this, an awareness program will be organized at the booth level. The focus is on motivating registered voters to participate.

As part of the program, booth-level officers are going door-to-door and distributing stickers. They also provide their mobile numbers for information if the house is locked.

The Election Commission considers the role of booth-level officers crucial for increasing voter turnout. They go door-to-door to create awareness among voters and identify those who will come to vote on polling day.

Preparations are being made to distribute voter information slips immediately after candidates file their nominations. The main voter list, along with the list of absentee, shifted, and deceased voters, will be handed over to polling officers on voting day.

Mobile apps like Voter Helpline App, Know Your Candidate, and CVIGIL are being promoted to encourage electors to download them. These apps provide details about polling stations and whether the voter’s name is on the list.

Non-profit organizations like Let’s Vote are planning events and awareness campaigns. They are educating residents of gated communities, educational institutions, and corporations. Their efforts also extend to social media platforms, where they aim to amplify the message of the importance of voting.



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