A six-month-old baby was abducted from Nilofar Hospital in Hyderabad. The police are searching for the missing infant, but the parents are worried as it has been 16 hours and their child has not been found.
The baby, Faisal Khan, was taken by a woman from Nilofar Hospital under Nampally Police Station. Faisal is the second son of a couple who work as watchmen at a farm house in Gandipet cross road. The parents brought the baby to the hospital on Thursday afternoon because he couldn’t sleep. While Faisal was being treated, his mother, Farida Begum, was in the first floor ward with their other child.
A woman wearing a cream colored nightie with a yellow scarf approached Farida and started talking to her about various topics. Farida went to get food from the hospital and asked the woman to look after the baby. However, the woman then took the infant and left. Another woman who was present informed Farida that she saw her child with the woman Farida had been talking to.
Farida and her family immediately went to the police for help. The police arrived at the hospital and discovered that none of the CCTV cameras were working. A case has been filed and an investigation is currently ongoing.