The Hyderabad Cybercrime police have arrested Javed Nawab Yakub Khan for his involvement in a parcel cyber fraud. He deceived innocent people and earned a total of Rs 2.85 crore. The victim from Kavadiguda reported that the cyber fraudsters contacted him through WhatsApp and Telegram, claiming that his FedEx parcel was stuck in Customs because it contained illegal material. They asked him to send money to the RBI for verification and a clearance certificate. The victim was cheated out of Rs 8,74,998.
The Cybercrime police registered a case and investigated the matter under the IT Act and IPC sections 66(C), (D), 419, and 420. Javed Nawab Yakub Khan colluded with cyber fraudsters to cheat innocent people. He provided bank accounts for the fraudsters to carry out their scams.
The accused opened a fake current account and gave it to another person who is currently on the run. This person received a 10% commission and used the account for fraudulent transactions. Through this account, the accused committed fraud amounting to Rs 2.85 crore. A total of 105 cases have been registered across India, with 14 of them in Telangana.