Chandrayaan-3, launched on July 14, successfully landed on the Moon’s surface on Wednesday. The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) used their social media platforms to share updates and engage with the public throughout the mission. They took an informal approach, using conversational language and emojis to make it relatable for everyone.
ISRO’s social media handles celebrated the soft landing by addressing India directly, expressing joy and accomplishment. They also shared updates about the mission, such as when the lander module established communication with Chandrayaan-2’s orbiter. These posts received millions of views and warmed the hearts of space enthusiasts.
ISRO’s social media messages always included emojis of the Moon, rockets, and satellites, adding excitement to their updates. The scientific community at ISRO shared the same enthusiasm, as seen in their posts expressing the energy and excitement within the Mission Operation Complex (MOX) just before the landing.
Chandrayaan-3 is a follow-on mission of Chandrayaan-2, which faced difficulties during its lunar phase in 2019. ISRO’s social media handles had used light-hearted messaging during Chandrayaan-2, including a comic strip depicting the separation of modules.
As Chandrayaan-3 successfully completed its mission, it has been a remarkable journey for both Chandrayaan and India.