Hyderabad Police Commissioner K Sreenivasa Reddy inaugurated various stalls at the All-India Industrial Exhibition (Numaish) on Thursday. The purpose of the exhibition is to create awareness among citizens about traffic safety, women safety, and the dangers of drug abuse. Reddy was joined by other police officials at the event.
The stalls provide an opportunity for citizens to see the advanced technology used by the police in traffic management and other services. The traffic stall showcased devices such as road safety signs, laser speed guns, body-worn cameras, ITMS cameras, communication sets, and road safety equipment.
Last year, around 1.3 lakh visitors visited the police stalls. Reddy encouraged the public to visit the exhibition with their children to learn about the functioning of the police and to have fun while also educating them about traffic safety and rules. He emphasized the importance of teaching children about road sense from an early age.