Former Pakistani Foreign Minister and PTI leader Shah Mehmood Qureshi was arrested by the Islamabad police on Thursday and taken to an unknown location. The PTI party shared a video on Twitter showing plain-clothed men taking him away. The party also reported that PTI Chairman Spokesperson Musarat Cheema and Senator Ejaz Chaudhry were abducted by Rangers from Islamabad.
Qureshi was taken into custody from the Gilgit-Baltistan House in Islamabad after a failed attempt by the police the day before. This follows the arrest of senior PTI leader Fawad Chaudhry outside the Supreme Court in Islamabad on Wednesday.
The political turmoil in Pakistan has led to violent protests across the country, resulting in at least eight deaths and nearly 300 injuries. Imran Khan, the leader of the PTI party, was arrested on Tuesday and sent to an eight-day physical remand to the National Accountability Bureau.
PTI Secretary General Asad Umar was also arrested, along with five other party leaders. The government has called in the military for assistance.