The India Meteorological Department in Hyderabad predicted that Telangana will get some rainfall on Saturday. This is good news for people who are suffering from the severe heat wave. However, along with the rainfall, the weather department has also issued a heat wave warning for the State. Hyderabad might receive some light to moderate rainfall or thundershowers during the evening or night.
The temperature in Hyderabad might range between 36-39 degrees Celsius while the state might reach up to 44 degrees Celsius. On Friday, the maximum temperature in the state was 45.3 degrees Celsius, with Hyderabad recording 40.1 degrees Celsius. Bhadradri-Kothagudem reported the highest temperature of 45.3 degrees Celsius, while Peddapalli and Suryapet experienced temperatures exceeding 45 degrees Celsius. Asifnagar in Hyderabad reached a maximum temperature of 40.1 degrees Celsius.