Home Hyderabad Illegal pollution testing centers in Hyderabad flourish despite RTA’s presence.

Illegal pollution testing centers in Hyderabad flourish despite RTA’s presence.


In Hyderabad, there are a lot of vehicles and pollution testing centres. The State government increased the prices for testing and issuing Pollution Under Control (PUC) certificates for vehicles. However, some testing centres are charging too much money for the test. There are over 270 approved mobile pollution testing centres in Greater Hyderabad, but some places are operating without licenses.

Owners have to get their vehicles tested for emissions every six months. The new rates for vehicular pollution testing and issuance of pollution under control certificate depend on the type of vehicle. The Telangana Auto and Motor Welfare Union said that some dealers proposed for the increased fares but did not pay back to the government and were also running illegal testing centres.


Some dealers do not have any record of the certificates issued to the vehicles. Some are even testing bogus vehicles. The testing centres should be renewed every three years, but some licence holders are not renewing their licences. In a recent check, some devices installed inside mobile testing units were not working properly, and operators were hesitant to show their licences.

The RTA needs to have a software that links every single mobile testing unit to curb irregularities. Moreover, the fitness, renewals, transfers of the vehicles were also conducted with fake certification including the private buses, school buses.



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