A janitor at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) in Delhi has been arrested for secretly recording women in the restroom. Around 10 students from Bharti College at Delhi University reported that they were filmed without their knowledge while changing during a fashion show at IIT Delhi. They posted a video on social media accusing the administration of not taking action. A complaint was filed at the Kishangarh police station.
The suspect was arrested under Section 354C of the Indian Penal Code, which deals with assault or criminal force against a woman with the intent to violate her modesty.
A senior police officer stated that a complaint was received at the Kishangarh police station regarding a video created in the women’s restroom at IIT Delhi. A case was registered under Section 354C of the Indian Penal Code, and the contracted janitor was arrested and placed in judicial custody.
IIT Delhi expressed regret over the incident and handed over the accused to the Delhi Police. They have a zero tolerance policy for such incidents and identified the individual as an employee of a service agency responsible for housekeeping services. The institute is fully cooperating with the police and ongoing investigations are underway.