Chief Minister A Revanth Reddy recently addressed a public meeting in Wyra, sharing some significant updates and opinions. He announced that the Congress government successfully implemented a Rs 2 lakh loan waiver scheme for farmers, proving the opposition wrong. This development has led to calls for BRS leader and former minister T Harish Rao to resign, as he had previously promised to step down if the loan waiver was carried out by August 15.
During the meeting, which took place after the inauguration of the Sitarama Project pumphouse, CM Revanth Reddy expressed skepticism about Harish Rao’s willingness to resign. He suggested that if Harish Rao had any self-respect, he should follow through with his promise. The Chief Minister also commented that, at the very least, Harish Rao should apologize to the people.
Revanth Reddy also addressed comments made by BRS working president K T Rama Rao. KTR had accused the Congress of deceiving the public with false promises. However, CM Reddy argued that the people voted for Congress because they trust the promises made by Sonia Gandhi, who has a reputation for keeping her word.
The Chief Minister criticized the BRS party’s claims of achievements during its 10-year rule. He pointed out that their current political strength is limited, with only 39 seats in the Assembly and none in the Lok Sabha. He warned that trusting the BRS would be as risky as feeding milk to a cobra.
In his speech, CM Reddy also noted that while the BJP received eight Lok Sabha seats, the state received little in terms of budgetary support. He concluded by expressing confidence that, with public support, he could overcome both the BRS and BJP in the state.