Alleged scams are causing concern for the Opposition BRS in Hyderabad ahead of the Lok Sabha elections. The issue of corruption has mostly been focused on projects like Kaleshwaram and the Dharani portal. Now, a new issue has emerged involving the violation of GST payments by some liquor outlets owned by BRS MPs and senior leaders.
State officials from various departments are investigating the evasion of taxes amounting to over Rs 100 crore by ‘Tonique’ elite wine shops in the city. They are trying to determine who is responsible for this evasion and how it was allowed to happen for so long without detection. The government is also looking into past exemptions that may have facilitated these tax evasions.
In addition to the tax evasion issue, officials are also looking into potential illegal sales at these outlets and any possible connections to a liquor scam in Delhi. Chief Minister A Revanth Reddy has promised to reveal the names of those involved in the GST looting of liquor sales. As a result, raids were conducted on the liquor shops in Hyderabad to gather evidence.
The elite liquor franchises were allegedly given to investors to operate, with monthly commissions paid to influential BRS leaders. After losing power, former MP’s linked to the outlets reportedly disowned them by transferring management to others. Excise officials seized documents during raids at wine shops in various parts of Hyderabad and are now investigating further.
A team of 30 Excise officials conducted raids at elite wine shops in different areas of Hyderabad and seized documents. The managements of these outlets have been asked to provide details of liquor purchases and invoices since their opening. Excise Joint Commissioner Qureshi, accompanied by police, oversaw the raids.