The Chief Minister of Telangana, K Chandrasekhar Rao, wants the Dr B R Ambedkar Bhavan to be visible to road-users from a distance of about one kilometre. Officials have been asked to make an action plan, which may include demolishing the compound walls of the GHMC headquarters and BRKR Bhavan to widen the roads and clear obstacles. The roads from Liberty and Adarsh Nagar towards Secretariat will be widened and there will be no signals. After the inauguration of the Martyrs’ memorial, some structural changes will be taken up in the areas outside the new Secretariat building.
KCR has asked officials to ensure there are no traffic jams on the Tank Bund road, Liberty to Adarsh Nagar, and between the Telephone Bhavan and the new Secretariat. The south gate of the Secretariat will also be widened. There is a bottleneck for traffic between Liberty crossroads to LIC office via GHMC head office and BRKR Bhavan. Commuters may have to proceed from GHMC and BRKR Bhavan road to go to Lakdikapul instead of Dr Ambedkar Statue road, which officials claim will help reduce traffic jams at the signal under Telugu Thalli flyover. Currently, it takes at least 15 minutes to cross these two signals during peak hours.
The narrow road on the east side entrance of the GHMC head office will also be widened. Officials are studying the possibility of making use of Telugu Thalli flyover to reduce traffic congestion. As of now, there is not much traffic on this flyover.