HYDRAA recently took action to demolish an illegal compound wall in the Divyanagar Layout of Pocharam Municipality, Ranga Reddy district. The demolition occurred on Saturday and targeted a wall allegedly constructed by Nalla Malla Reddy. This wall had blocked access to nearby colonies and residential areas, causing widespread inconvenience.
The issue came to light after numerous complaints from plot owners. Residents claimed that the wall and gates installed by Reddy prevented people from entering the layout. In response, HYDRAA Commissioner AV Ranganath personally inspected the site on January 8 to investigate the complaints.
Locals from surrounding colonies expressed frustration over the blocked roads. They said the wall not only restricted access but also made it difficult to sell their plots. Additionally, residents complained about the lack of promised infrastructure, such as sewage systems and roads. Instead, the compound wall was built, and entry was tightly controlled. Some residents reported being required to seek permission to enter the area and show their plots. There were also allegations of intimidation by Reddy.
Following the investigation, Commissioner Ranganath confirmed that the wall had been built without necessary permissions. As a result, an order was issued to demolish the illegal construction. On Saturday, officials carried out the demolition, restoring access to the area.
The Divyanagar Layout spans 200 acres in Survey No. 66 of Pocharam Municipality and includes approximately 2,218 plots. Of these, around 30 percent are reportedly owned by Nalla Malla Reddy. After the demolition, residents and plot owners expressed relief as the move resolved long-standing accessibility issues.