The South-Central Railway headquarters administrative building, Rail Nilayam, has been awarded the gold rating by the Indian Green Building Council (IGBC). According to SCR officials, the building had previously achieved a gold rating and has now been re-certified with the same rating. The certification is valid for three years starting from July 2023. The building received the rating for its efforts in water conservation and savings, including wastewater treatment, rainwater harvesting, and solid waste management. It also focused on eco-friendly landscaping, energy saving and generation, occupants’ comfort, and building operations and maintenance.
Rail Nilayam was evaluated on various aspects such as waste collection and disposal, health, and innovative concepts. It showed consistency in implementing green practices. The SCR general manager, Arun Kumar Jain, emphasized that contributing to a greener environment should be an ongoing process. He urged the staff to be more careful and show greater concern for environmental practices to achieve an even higher rating next time.