Chief Minister Revanth Reddy has instructed the Hyderabad Water Board to create a detailed plan for the city’s drinking water infrastructure, keeping in mind the projected population growth by 2050. This directive was given during the first-ever meeting of the Hyderabad Water Board since the formation of the state. The meeting was held at the Integrated Command Control Center and focused on preparing for Hyderabad’s future water needs.
The Chief Minister also highlighted the importance of designing a sewage system that can handle future demands alongside the drinking water infrastructure. He asked the board to work with agencies and consultants to conduct a thorough study to address these requirements.
Currently, Hyderabad’s water supply network stretches over 9,800 kilometers and serves 13.79 lakh connections. The city’s water is sourced from the Manjira, Singur, Godavari, and Krishna rivers. Plans to improve the water supply include the Godavari Phase-2 project, which is expected to enhance the city’s capacity. Discussions were also held on carrying water through Osman Sagar and Himayat Sagar reservoirs.
The Chief Minister approved a proposal to use water from the Mallanna Sagar reservoir for the Godavari Phase-2 project. This decision will increase the water supply from the previously planned 15 TMC to 20 TMC, ensuring that the city can meet its growing water needs effectively.
During the meeting, the Water Board presented its income and expenditure report through a PowerPoint presentation. The Chief Minister encouraged the board to find ways to boost its revenue and explore strategies to achieve this goal. He also stressed the need to secure funding for new projects, suggesting the board look into obtaining loans at lower interest rates and prepare Detailed Project Reports (DPRs) for these initiatives.
To address the issue of aging pipelines, particularly those supplying water from the Manjira river since 1965, the Chief Minister proposed the construction of a new, advanced pipeline as part of a fresh project.
The meeting was attended by the Chief Minister’s Advisor V. Narendra Reddy, State Chief Secretary Shanti Kumari, and other senior officials.