Light to moderate rains have been falling in Hyderabad since Tuesday morning, and heavy rains are expected in parts of the city on Tuesday evening. The weather report suggests that the intense rains will come from Siddipet, Jangaon, and Yadadri. Moderate to heavy rains are also predicted in the coming hours. People should plan accordingly if they need to leave their offices, schools, or colleges.
During the heavy rains in Hyderabad, there have been reports of lightning striking on the road in some areas. One incident was captured on video in Attahpur and has been circulating on social media. The public is being cautioned to stay indoors and only go out for emergencies.
A massive lightning strike occurred on an empty street in Atthapur in Hyderabad during the heavy downpour on Monday night. Fortunately, the person seen walking in the video narrowly missed the strike. No one was hurt, but some electronics were reportedly damaged.
On Monday, heavy rains affected many districts in Telangana. The Meteorological Department has issued a red alert for the state, predicting heavy to very heavy rains over the next three days. Thunder, lightning, and gusty winds are expected across the state. Wind speeds could reach 40 to 50 kilometers per hour.
A cyclone has formed in the Bay of Bengal and is currently 3.1 km above the mean sea level near South Odisha. The weather department says that it is still rising. A low-pressure area is likely to form over the North West Bay of Bengal near South Odisha – North Andhra on July 24.
People in Telangana are advised to take precautions and stay safe during the rains.