Hyderabad experienced drizzle and pleasant weather on Tuesday. The city had been receiving continuous rainfall since Monday evening, and the India Meteorological Department – Hyderabad (IMD-H) predicted that the showers will continue until Thursday morning, with the intensity expected to increase.
According to data from the Telangana State Development Planning Society (TSDPS), by 5 pm on Tuesday, Golconda received 17.5 mm of rainfall, followed closely by Rajendranagar with 16.8 mm, and Serilingampally with 16.5 mm. All other parts of the city also experienced consistent rainfall.
In the surrounding districts, Nizamabad received 49.3 mm of rainfall, Nirmal recorded 48 mm, and Kamareddy had 46.8 mm. Several districts in Telangana, including Jangaon, Hanumakonda, Warangal, Mulugu, and Jayashankar Bhupalpally, are expected to receive heavy to very heavy rainfall until Thursday, according to the TSDPS.
The continuous downpour has brought relief to the city, which had been experiencing hot and humid conditions.