Hyderabad: The S R Nagar police have arrested three people involved in stealing laptops. They also recovered nine stolen laptops worth Rs 2.13 lakh from them.
The arrested individuals are Bandlamudi Chinna Avulaiah, a 30-year-old resident of Erragadda and a laptop thief, along with two receivers, Nandigama Venkata Krishna and Mekala Venkateswarlu, both aged 33 and 30 respectively. All three are originally from Prakasam district, Andhra Pradesh.
The police caught the suspects near Ameerpet on Thursday. The arrest was made by S R Nagar crime staff, led by Detective Inspector of Police, M Gopal.
Avulaiah had moved to Hyderabad in 2023 looking for a job. He worked as a security guard in various locations in Gachibowli and Kondapur. To make extra money, he started stealing laptops from boys’ hostels and PG hostels near Bapunagar and surrounding areas in S R Nagar.
All the arrested individuals have been brought before the court and placed in judicial remand.