A special drive was conducted by the Raidurgam police in Hyderabad to monitor unauthorized bike racers within the Cyberabad Commissionerate limits. They seized 50 motorcycles on Saturday night and booked cases against both the bike owners and riders.
For several months, these activities have been causing frustration for regular road users. The nightly antics of thrill-seekers have been escalating, causing disruptions and hazards to other motorists.
Following public complaints, the Raidurgam police conducted special drives at various areas and seized 50 bikes. ACP Madhapur and a team of 30 policemen participated in the drive and booked cases under Sections 336, 341 IPC, and Section 184 MV Act.
All bikes will be handed over to RTO for further processing, and bikers will be produced before the court, according to Ch Venkanna, Inspector at the Raidurgam police station.
The police have warned that strict action will be taken against those engaging in such activities. Parents were also advised to supervise their children and not allow them to ride bikes during the night.