Home Hyderabad Hyderabad police arrest two individuals for embezzling Rs 65 lakh from multiple...

Hyderabad police arrest two individuals for embezzling Rs 65 lakh from multiple ATMs.

Hyderabad police arrest two individuals for embezzling Rs 65 lakh from multiple ATMs.

Two people have been arrested by Rachakonda police for allegedly stealing Rs 65 lakh. The arrested are Pathri Pranay Kumar (25) and Dommati Kranthi Kumar (32), both from Warangal, and employees of a cash management agency. Pranay worked for a Secunderabad-based cash management agency that provided services to a multi-national bank. He and another employee, Srinivas, were supposed to replenish cash in ATM machines operated by the multi-national bank. When Srinivas didn’t show up for work on May 31, Pranay used his mobile phone to take a picture of the password of the ATM machines from the office computer systems. Pranay had the keys to the ATM machines and used the password he obtained to open the cash chests and steal the money.

The fraud came to light when the bank’s audit team found a shortage of cash and conducted an enquiry. After noticing that Pranay was stealing cash, the team filed a police complaint. Pranay was picked up by police and admitted that he had stolen an amount of Rs 65 lakh from ATMs at Meerpet, LB Nagar, Pocharam IT Corridor, Uppal, and Medipally over time. He kept the stolen cash with his friend Kranthi Kumar, from whom police recovered Rs 55.80 lakh.



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