The Hyderabad Commissioner’s Task Force, West Zone team recently arrested seven individuals, including women, who were involved in drug peddling. The police confiscated 310 ml of Hashish oil, 70 grams of Charas, 8 mobile phones, and a bike worth Rs 2.28 lakhs from their possession.
The arrested individuals are Syed Muzaffar Ali (26), Abubaker Bin Abdul Aziz (23), MohdQaseem (35), Syed Murtuza Ali Hussain (34), Mubashir Khan (28), Nitin Goud (22), and a woman named T Poonam Kumari Kour (27). However, Zeeshan Naveed and Syed AnwarullahHussainiQuadri are still at large.
According to the police, Muzaffar Ali and Abubaker were both addicted to drugs, particularly Hash oil. They devised a plan to make quick money, which involved sending MohdQaseem to Paderu village in Aaraku, Andhra Pradesh, to purchase one liter of hash oil for Rs 80,000.
The three accused individuals would then fill small 5 ml bottles with the oil and sell each bottle for Rs 2,000 to sub-peddlers such as Zeeshan, Anwarullah, Murtuza, Nitin, and Poonam. These sub-peddlers would further sell Hash Oil and Charas to customers in need for Rs 3,000 per 5 ml.
The arrested individuals and the confiscated items have been handed over to the Film Nagar police for further action.