In Hyderabad, the Congress, BJP, and BRS are preparing for the upcoming elections, expected to be announced around April 18. Each party is working on strategies to win as many seats as possible.
The Congress plans to focus on exposing alleged scams during the BRS’s 10-year rule and criticize its impact on the state’s economy. Meanwhile, the BJP and BRS intend to target the Congress for failing to address issues like the drinking water crisis and unfulfilled promises made before the Assembly elections.
The Congress will highlight its successful implementation of Six Guarantees and criticize the BRS for corruption and other failures. The BRS will raise concerns about Congress poaching its leaders and highlight the party’s shortcomings. The BJP will organize public meetings with leaders like Prime Minister Narendra Modi to discuss their agenda of “Sab ka Saath – Sabka Vikas” and criticize the opposition parties.
Overall, the parties are gearing up for a competitive election season with each focusing on different issues to sway voters in their favor.