Home Hyderabad Hyderabad leads in preserving biodiversity: An overview

Hyderabad leads in preserving biodiversity: An overview

Hyderabad leads in preserving biodiversity: An overview

Hyderabad has done well in the City Biodiversity Index 2022, with a score of 57 out of 92. The index measures biodiversity in cities and is used to monitor and evaluate it. The program aims to ensure that biodiversity is maintained in cities, and Hyderabad has performed well in this regard.

The Harithaharam program aims to increase green cover, which has helped improve biodiversity. The conservation of lakes has also contributed to this improvement. Efforts to increase forest cover and urban lung spaces have also played a role in improving biodiversity.


World Environment Day will be celebrated on June 5, and the government is planning to organize a big event to raise awareness about biodiversity on that day. The Haritha Awards will be presented to the best-performing municipality and municipal officers and staff who contribute to increasing green cover.

Municipal Administration Minister KT Rama Rao announced that Hyderabad’s biodiversity has improved due to various green initiatives undertaken by the Telangana government. According to the report, Hyderabad is home to 1305 species of plants, 30 species of odonates, 141 species of butterflies, 42 species of spiders, 60 species of fish, 16 amphibian species, 41 reptile species, 315 bird species, and 58 mammalian species.

The Minister praised the natural biodiversity in the city and its surroundings. The improvement in the index suggests that the government’s efforts are making a significant impact. The Minister emphasized the importance of biodiversity in making Hyderabad a world-class city.



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