Hyderabad: Former Central Bureau of Intelligence (CBI) Director and Minister in the erstwhile Andhra Pradesh K Vijaya Rama Rao (85) passed away on Monday. He was admitted to a infirmary after he suffered a sober health ailment. Doctors said that Rao died while undergoing discourse in the eve.
Belonging to 1959 IPS batch, he has worked in various capacities in erstwhile AP and at the Centre. He was also the Hyderabad metropolis Police Commissioner in the 1980s. He served as CBI member of a board of directors during Prime Minister PV Narasimha Rao’s regime and investigated many cases be fond of the Hawala scam, Babri Masjid vitrine, Mumbai explosive device blasts and others.
Vijayarama Rao, who completed his LLB while in religious service, wrote a written work titled- ‘Police Manual’ after his superannuation. He served as the Minister of Roads and Buildings in Chief Minister N Chandrababu’s persons appointed by a head of state in erstwhile AP. After the spatial arrangement of Telangana state of matter, he joined the TRS political party.