Telangana Chief Secretary Shanti Kumari has appointed Sandeep Shandilya as the new Commissioner of Police (CP) for Hyderabad. Sandeep Shandilya was previously the Cyberabad CP and will start his new role on Saturday.
The Election Commission (EC) has transferred 20 officials in Telangana ahead of the upcoming elections. This includes four District Collectors and 13 IPS officers, including Hyderabad Police Commissioner CV Anand. The EC has advised the government to appoint new individuals for these positions. Chief Secretary Shanti Kumari has sent a list of proposed replacements to the EC, and final decisions have been made.
New IAS and IPS officers have been appointed in Telangana for various positions. Ten districts have received new Superintendents of Police (SPs), and new Commissioners have been appointed for Warangal and Nizamabad.