Hyderabad won the CM Cup Men’s and Women’s Football Championships 2023 by defeating Jogulamba Gadwal 2-0 in the final match of the men’s category. The tournament was held at Gachibowli Stadium on Wednesday. In the women’s category, Khammam beat Nalgonda 3-2 in the finals.
After the tournament, prizes were distributed by TFA secretary, G P Palguna and Gachibowli in-charge Ravi Kumar.
The results of the men’s category are as follows:
– Finals: Hyderabad beat Jogulamba Gadwal 2-0
– Semifinals: Hyderabad beat Sanga Reddy 2-0, Jogulamba Gadwal beat Nizamabad 3-1
– For third place: Sanga Reddy beat Nizamabad 1-0
The results of the women’s category are as follows:
– Final: Khammam beat Nalgonda 3-2
– For third place: Nizamabad beat Kamareddy 2-0.