Hyderabad: Hopes are fading for the merger of the civilian areas of Secunderabad Cantonment with the Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation (GHMC). In light of this, a few residents have stepped forward to demand action. On Monday, they submitted a representation to senior officials of the Secunderabad Cantonment Board (SCB), urging them to hold elections for the board.
The residents highlighted that elections have not been held since January 11, 2015, depriving them of their fundamental democratic right to choose their representatives. They also noted that while the merger process is advancing in other cantonments across India, there has been no clear timeline for when it will begin in Secunderabad.
Telukunta Satish Gupta, a resident of the cantonment, stressed the importance of adhering to constitutional principles. “India is a democratic nation, and the Constitution mandates that elections be conducted every five years,” he said. The prolonged delay, he added, not only violates the Constitution but also hinders the region’s development.
“In a democracy, denying elections for such a long time undermines our fundamental rights,” Gupta stated. “How can development take place when there is no representation for the people? We urge the Central government to uphold the Constitution and ensure elections are conducted without further delay.”
Other residents echoed similar concerns. They called on the Central government to take immediate steps to schedule and conduct the Secunderabad Cantonment Board elections. According to them, this would allow residents to exercise their democratic rights and address urgent development issues in the area.