BJP Parliamentary Board Member Dr K Laxman welcomed the verdict of the Gujarat State High Court confirming a Surat trial court verdict that sentenced former Congress MP Rahul Gandhi to two years in jail. Dr Laxman said that this is a victory for OBC communities and emphasized that no one is above the law. He criticized Rahul Gandhi’s remarks against those with the surname Modi, stating that they expose his political immaturity.
Dr Laxman highlighted the humble background of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who has become the PM twice and is supported by the people to be elected for a third time. He mentioned that leaders from around the world are praising him and that the country’s image has improved internationally.
Dr Laxman also criticized Chief Minister K Chandrashekar Rao for skipping development programs whenever PM Modi visited the state. He expressed concern that Rao’s contempt and hatred towards Modi should not affect his responsibility towards protecting the interests of Telangana. He pointed out that while PM Modi has been inclusive in the development of Telangana, Rao seems to prioritize political interests over the state’s welfare.