Law enforcement in Hyderabad seized Rs 18,52,200 in cash and items worth Rs 1,10,02,279 in the first 24 hours of implementing the Election Code of Conduct.
The District Election Officer, Ronald Rose, handled 14 complaints related to cash and items, resolving them all and registering 7 FIRs.
Since the election notification was issued, enforcement teams have seized a total of Rs 22,03,89,577 in cash and Rs 17,80,37,539 worth of other items. They have also confiscated 26,654.125 liters of liquor, resulting in 282 cases and 282 arrests.
Flying squad teams in the district seized Rs 5,75,58,955 and other items worth Rs 3,57,78,042. Other law enforcement agencies like the police and IT enforcement teams confiscated Rs 15,98,36,382 in cash and goods worth Rs 45,59,497.
Furthermore, SST teams confiscated Rs 29,94,240 in cash and items valued at Rs 77 lakh.
A total of 569 complaints regarding cash and other items have been addressed so far, with FIRs filed against 383 individuals.